What's NEW
Jamie Slater's New Album Augmented Reality Available for Purchase HERE...And Everywhere Digital Music is Sold or Streamed. Preview Below...at slightly reduced quality...
Due to Covid-19, Jamie Slater encourages everyone reading this maintain social distancing, receive vaccination, and wear a mask in public until instructed by authorities to resume our normal lives. Jamie's heart goes out to all victims and their families around the world impacted by this terrible virus.
New Compositions
Jamie is placing the finishing touches on the latest compositions for the new group. He is pleased with the sound and is eager to perform them for a recording and an audience.
The tunes are being notated in Sibelius and will soon be available for purchase in PDF format. Check back often!​​
Latest projects: New Jamie Slater Trio Album recording in progress​
The compositions are written...The charts are notated, edited, and printed, rehearsals complete and the actual tracking has begun for the New (as yet untitled...) live, in studio Jamie Slater Trio album.​ The eagerly anticipated debut album by the Jamie Slater trio features amazing performances by longtime collaborator Asa Holgate on drums and College of Charleston graduate Brett Belanger on bass​. The 9 track album will be available for late winter / early Spring release. Jamie is excited to document the dynamic sound of this new trio playing fresh compositions.